The Key - Unlock Potential is a new charity set to open a prisoner-run cafe in the Bristol area of Bishopston.

The Key will open a café and retail space that will sell speciality coffees and cakes and bespoke handmade products, including upcycled goods and art produced in prisons and by independent craftspeople.
We will stock sustainable and ethically sourced products and will provide employment for people released on temporary licence or who have recently left prison.
The charity will act as a bridge between prison, employment and rehabilitation to reduce reoffending.
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Our charitable purpose

The Key Unlock Potential will provide relief of unemployment prior to and following release from prison for the public benefit including:
Access to assistance to find employment including CV writing, job applications, careers advice and guidance; and
Access to training and vocational skills or training opportunities
The charity will also facilitate holistic support that addresses wider social determinants – including permanent employment, health, education and literacy, housing, social support networks, lifestyle factors and coping skills by partnering with local agencies.
“Offenders in our sample with a P45 employment spell within one year following their release from custody were significantly less likely to re-offend than those offenders who did not get P45 employment”
The Key to a second chance
Reducing re-offending is a complex endeavour which requires a systemic approach, that is holistic and wraps around the offender. Partnering with the Ministry of Justice, HMP prisons, The Restore Trust, physical and mental health and social care services, the voluntary sector and other partners is more likely to meet the needs of people leaving the prison population.
A successful outcome for the individuals, the charity, the prison and Bristol is to see people transition back into society and not return to prison. Employment can act as a springboard to a positive future, as an income will provide access to transport, accommodation and entertainment. Each person we employ will feel productive, gain a sense of self-sufficiency, independence, hope and a sense of belonging.
Providing employment not only reduces the cost to society – The Key will also supply the local talent pipeline in the catering, food and beverage and quick service restaurant sectors. The average cost of recruiting non-managerial staff is £2000 and the cost of training a new employee is £5000, by providing access to work experience The Key will help to reduce hiring costs and provide the future workforce for a sector impacted by labour shortage, which has been worsened by loss of European labour. The Ministry of Justice analysed the impact of employment on reoffending following release from custody and stated “Offenders in our sample with a P45 employment spell within one year following their release from custody were significantly less likely to re-offend than those offenders who did not get P45 employment”, this highlights the important role we will play by providing a structured working environment, valuable work experience and access to training that will prepare them to transition into mainstream employment.
The Key to success
Despite economic downturn during the pandemic, cafés remain an important social element of Bristolian culture and independent cafes have become increasingly popular. In addition, the pandemic has seen an increase in the sale of handmade products by independent retailers. Thus, a café and retail combination will enable the charity to generate income from the two streams, attracting consumers who shop ethnically and align with businesses who have a social purpose. An online presence will provide further potential for business growth.
The prison is a community bursting with potential, with its own training facilities, professional kitchen, print room and workshops.
Aligning our purpose
The charity’s purpose and objectives align with key prison objectives under the MOJ Education & Employment Strategy to put prisoners immediately on the path to employment; and National Partnership Agreement for Prison Healthcare in England 2018-2021 (supporting reduction in re-offending) by:
Addressing barriers to employment – equipping beneficiaries with skills, self-belief and the confidence to enter the world of work. Including partnering with local employers to change perception and identify opportunities
Acting as an anchor in the local area by providing valuable services to the community including a hub where people can meet, contributing to a local circular economy by reducing food wastes and supporting local businesses and makers.
Sign-posting beneficiaries to wrap -around services post-release to enable holistic support
Diversifying the current training offer by providing alternatives to construction, catering and horticulture
Our Supporters
Your help is the Key
The Board continues to build strong relationships across the business and public sector and welcome enquiries from anyone who wishes to partner with us to make a difference. If you would like to find out more about fundraising, becoming a supplier or volunteer, get in touch with us here.